The ambience was refreshing. The company was warm. The food was sumptious.
MASYAALLAH!! The other day Izzati, Syafiah, Anis and I went to this place called 2 Hot Halal Cafe. I have always wanted to go there except that there wasnt a chance. We decide to order what we want and split the bill into four. So these were the food we ate
Fishy Fish Sandwich- VERY GOOD, the fish is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The bread was good too, there's a side salad and potato chips.

Black Pepper Turkey Sanwich- Same thing like mine except they give you huge portion opf turkey bacon with blackpepper sauce( this is soo worth it than BK)
Turker Carbonara Pasta- the sauce is FANTASTIC! And huge chunks of turkey bacon as well.
Cili Padi Seafood Pasta- ( i think tat's wat its called) SPICY!! but really nice.
For drinks we ordered WOOWOO mocktail- and it did make me WOOWOO haha. Really nice interesting burst of flavour
Mango Fadango Smoothie- Not so smooth but it tasted real good, like there's ice cream it it
Cherry Soda- not ur typical kind, when i drank it memories of hari raya flowed in my mind.
Im not a good food critique as i would say SEDAP to whatever i eat but this is REALLY SEDAP. Trust me, I got 3 other ladies to back me up.
So yeah.
Alhamdullilah hil ladzi a to amana wa sako na wa ja a'lana Muslimin. Ameen
Waa enjoy se makan..haha.asl tk amik gambar makanan tu sekali? at least bole la tgk daripada baca..tak umph ah.. hehe
haha.. got pix but somehow my comp tak leh bukak photobucket:(
mira! i had funn with you too! what happened to business model? HHAAHA.
*chak Amirah!!* psst...the pasta and sandwich...looks soo sedap da.. grrr.. hehehehe...
missy! u are making me hungry! we have not meet for like 2364758 days.. hope to see u soon babe..then can go makan..
waa gambar die cam dari some advertisement la!! u know how mac does their advertising and when u buy their burgers it didnt turn out the way u expected it like in the advert? haha this one looks so sedap..
all thanx to dear Anis.. Haha.. she toook it from her mobile.. Eh Anis.. ko nyer telepon banyak bagus ehkk.. heheee..
mirraa! blog, you goblok! hahha. kidding dear.
Assalam. I was blog hoping and I happened to land here (Clicked a link in huda's blog). Anyway read your entry regarding "No Boyfriends". I guess i should write an entry about "No Girlfriends". LOL! Anyway I really liked that entry!! And I totally agree with you 100% and speaking from experience... my advice is... DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT GETTING INTO A RELATIONSHIP! DOOONT!!!!
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