Tuesday, 10 July 2007


In the Name of Allah, Most Loving,Most Kind

Allah's Incurable Disease for Sexually-adulterous people.

Don't u think the above is true? There's no cure for AIDS.. Allah has given this sickness as a Sign. And sexually-adulterous people are the majority of sufferers..

Let's think. AIDS was not even heard of before the 1980s. It's a new sickness and its spreading fast like wildfire. Because u noe y? People have the so called Freedom of Sex. In the 60s the hippies' slogan was Made Love not War. 60s was the time when people have found their so called sexual freedom.

I'm not gonna rant so much of Aids victim in Africa. Yes, indeed its a very sad situation. But wat i'm gonna talk about r those who do such acts (as in intercourse). If u wanna fight AIDS, the solution is PURE AND SIMPLE. DONT HAVE CASUAL SEX. Period. That's it. Simple ain't it?

I hate it when the media keeps focusing on safe sex. There's no such thing as safe sex outside marriage. Wear protection! Blah blah blah. Use condoms! Blah Blah Blah. Like that thing is gonna help. I mean seriously.. Plus, (altho this is out topic) Are condoms biodegradable? I mean if its not, than isnt it a contributor to the earth in crisis?

Then there's the theory that a monkey was the one that causes AIDS. Yeah sure BLAME the Monkey. Blame all the other things in the world except ourselves.

Well. this post is kinda superficial but these r the thoughts that were inside my head and i need to get them out.

Ya Allah, please forgive our sins. Hinder us from zina and all the things that u have forbid us. Ameen

nb: for more info go here-->http://www.avert.org/origins.htm

1 comment:

ansfzrn said...

wah wah wah, marah nampak. hey, but at least, the media is encouraging safe sex which is better than not doing anything at all. anyways, link me!