Besides celebrating to a new life for married couples , a wedding is also a focal point where long distance relatives and long lost friends meet after a looooong time. Hence the need to make conversations, to ask about each other's life while eating Briyani Dam with Rendang and Ayam Masak Merah. A wedding is a family oriented event where there are children and babies and grannies and etc etc.
So I really don't understand WHY ON EARTH THEY PLAY LOUD MUSIC GOOD ENOUGH TO BURST YOUR EARDRUMS. I am like soo annoyed by the fact that MOST Malay weddings play music in FULL BLAST with KARAOKE singers that could not read a note. Yeah, its a celebratory thing but do you have to go to such extent?
I mean, I wanna have a chat with my friend whom I have not met for a long time. I literally had to shout to her when she's just next to me. COME ON!! This is a WEDDING!! Not a ROCK GIG!!
I don't oppose that music is being played just as long as its subtle and it doesn’t affect my conversations . Plus, aren't they afraid that due to the sensitivity of their eardrums, babies and children are at a greater risk. Considerate-NOT.
Plus the type of music being played is like totally unIslamic. There's no Islamic adab present. Free mixing, dangdut music which suggests love and relationship outside marriage. (my definition of dangdut music is like the lyrics of trashy hip hop with the beats of techno- no offense to those who like dangdut or hip hop or techno)
To add on, there was a wedding near my house, I didn’t see the wedding but I can hear the music. It's so loud that I can hear it from my 4th floor apartment. What's more, MUSIC WAS STILL BEING PLAYED DURING MAGHRIB. MAGHRIB. Do I need to repeat the word again? M.A.G.H.R.I.B. MAGHRIB..
Its not the ADHZAN that I heard but UNISLAMIC MUSIC from a Muslim wedding (I knew it’s a Muslim wedding since the general population who's Muslim here are Malays. And they're playing Malay music. But then again Malay doesn’t equate a person in being Muslim but whatever it is those people were not being considerate) . Need I say more? (well I hope I'm wrong about them being Muslim bcuz they are really not showing good examples)
This is a really an inconsiderate act. Let us ponder upon it and see how culture has become more important than Islam.
I'm sorry if I have offended any parties, watever that's good comes from Allah and the rest are from my own human error.
O Allah, Please forgive me and my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. O Allah please keep us under your guidance and light. Ameen.
Do leave ur comments. I know I am never perfect but why don't we remind each other.:)
Note: for you who haven't seen ummahfilms do go to their blog. They're really good.
Here's a taste of CULTURE VS ISLAM.
wow. i sooo totally love ur blog. and by love,i mean i'll be looking forward for upcoming entries. totally opened up my eyes to what ive been doing. thanks. take care darling. and link me up. yours-truleen.blogspot.com
anyways,jangan lupa name aku tau! :P
-tamil tigress =)
i agree with u.. malay weddings should not play music too loud.. for me, i do not really mind the songs they are playing but i cant stand live singers who CANT sing.. memekak aje..
Anyways, sweet blog..take care..
Thank u sooo much FADHLIN!!
Haha.. I remembered ur name ok.. Heehee
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