Thursday, 5 July 2007


In The Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate

I'm not gonna talk about the sinetron. Never watched it. Maybe it's good I dunno coz I dun understand Indonesian language ( my paternal grandad's from Java. Talk about knowing your roots. haha). But what im gonna discuss is sumthing close to my heart. Something that happened to me becoz I wasn’t being sincere. Btw, fyi ikhlas is sincerity (or is it keikhlasan that means sincerity? NVM)


These are my A Level Grades (im showing u this so it’s something that you guys should ponder on and not to repeat the same mistakes I did)
They're very average..But Alhamdulillah, Allah has made it a lesson for me. Thank You Allah for showing me the light on things.
So here goes

History B
Economics B
Malay D

It was below my aim. I aimed for a BBC, C for econs. And during my study period I suddenly aimed for TRIPLE As (fat hope) Should have aimed higher, earlier.
Anyways, when i studied Malay, I wasnt being sincere. I studied just for the sake of studying. in my mind i was like Y ON EARTH DID I TAKE MALAY LITERATURE. So yeah. i cried wen i got my results. Didnt know whether its a good result or a bad one.But people was congratulating me.. i didnt understand. I felt i was not being grateful to Allah.
Blame it on my teacher? I mean he did his best. 90% should be up to me. Then I ponder. I contemplate. Whatever Allah has given me its the best for me. I dare not think the situation if i get triple A. Wallahualam. I might have turn arrogant (Naudhzubillahminzalik). Watever the situation maybe, Allah gave me the result that i truly deserve.
So, results dont matter in the 'eyes' of Allah. It's ur effort. Plus your Du'a. Watever that happens, its for your own good. One may not realise it initially but InsyaAllah one will see its fruits later. It might not be in this life, it could be the next.
Ya Allah, please shower us with Your Blessings. Provide us with the Good and prevent our hearts from turning riyak. Ameen
n.b: the calligraphy u see there is BISMILLAH.

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