When I turned 18 last year, I was thinking what is the purpose of life. I mean u live and then u die. That's kinda boring rite? I knew that as Muslims we believe that there is life after death I did and still do believe that. But somehow there was a void in my heart. My mind wasn’t thinking straight.
Alhamdulillah I've found my answer. I found it in the Qur'an. Alhamdulillah Allah has guided me. I wasn’t being a good Muslim (shall not mention the things I did) and I still have lots to improve. I mean lots. Ya Allah please guide us all. Ameen.
So I've come across the word Khalifah a couple of times but I didn’t know what it actually meant. I read in several texts saying that we are Allah's Khalifah. I only knew Khalifah in the way its used for Khalifah Abu Bakr (r.a)Khalifah Omar(r.a) Khalifah Uthman (r.a) and Khalifah 'Ali (r.a). To make matters worse , the English translation of Khalifah is VICEGERENT. I mean how often do u use VICEGERENT in your sentence?
vice·ge·rent /vaɪsˈdʒɪərənt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[vahys-jeer-uhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
an officer appointed as deputy by and to a sovereign or supreme chief.
a deputy in general.
in simple terms for my simple mind, we are Allah's steward/ and we are to serve Allah in whatever we do. Tho' I believe that there's a deeper meaning to that. Ya Allah, please enlighten me.
So Alhamdulillah, somehow I got my answers (cant remember how I did) and these answers were solidified by the camp that I went to last June organised by FMSA. (got to know about the camp through my sis and I didn’t regret one tiny bit for coming. The camp was SOOO GOOD MasyaAllah). Anyways, being Allah's Khalifah would mean to do good to oneself, to do good to others and among other things to preserve what Allah has provided for us. This is one heck of a responsibility (which we gladly volunteered when we were just souls) but the reward promised by Allah is PRICELESS, so priceless you can't find them in this life.
Yeah. I guess that's it for this time around. 4give me if I hurt your feelings in my post. Do remind me if I make mistakes. And May ALLAH GUIDE US ALL. AMEEN.
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