In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
Alhamdullilah!! No naked Guys!!
That's all I can say when the play was on-going and when it finished. I mean thats last thing i wanna see in a play are gays frolicking- naked. All in all, there wasnt much obscenities- albeit the use of the F-word. Actually, when i wanted to watch this play naked guys didnt come to my mind, i thought it would be the matured content of this play that made them received the R18 from the censors. Until my future roomie asked me whether it received the R18 rating because of naked guys i was like God, protect my sight.
Anyways lets talk about the play, Happy Endings:Asian Boys Vol 3 written by Alfian Sa'at. Its an adaptation from a novel about gays by Johann S Lee. The play begins in 1992 when a young man wanted to make a novel about a gay friend. His protagonist, Chris Hann (the character from the novel) a a senior in RJC fell in love with the new guy, Ken Wijaya. At the same time, he was with a girl. So i think he's in this confused phase where he's not sure who he really loved.
The direction of the play was really good, during this first part of the play, i really liked the idea of the young man both acting out as the writer and the character in his book. This is kinda confusing at first but it turned out really well.
So back to the play: Somehow, Ken the new guy had to fly back to his home country, Indonesia. He was already engaged to a girl back home. Chriss' heart was broken. But Chriss managed to mend his broken heart by having a relationship with his officer, Samuel in the Army. When his officer died due to AIDS (the reason was very different- he died due to blood contaminated with HIV) Chriss gave up all hope and left the country.
The summary above doesnt do justice to the play but, im bad at summarizing. Anyhow, what I learnt from the first part of the play was that altho they're gays they have the same aspirations like normal people- and i think that's what Alfian Saat wants to potray. They want children etc etc, basically they want their right to live.
The second part of the play was set during present times. Sylvia, Chriss' exgirlfriend becomes a gay right advocator (altho' she's very straight), and Ken, Chriss' exboyfriend became and exgay speaker who tries to persuade gays that they have the chance of being straight again. I like Sylvia's line when she said that Ken apparently got out of the closet but somehow went in again. (its a joke-really, and i laughed)
What's really interesting about this part of the play was how the past characters meet with the present character. REALLY INTERESTING. I dunno how to describe it to u. U gotta watch this.
I give the play 5 out of 5 stars. For the witty, smart, lines.
Anyhow, while i was watching the play, questions keep popping up in my head. HOw DO PEOPLE TURN GAY? how?
Somebody enlighten me please.
So anyways, i am not a homophobic. I also do not agree with the idea of homosexuality. But yeah this is something to ponder through.
Allah forbids homosexuality. And He knows BEST. It's up to us to think this through. I havent think through this very much but when i have. and i know the right thing to say than insyaAllah i'll post my thoughts. As for now, this is it.
Ya Allah forgive our sins. Ameen
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