Friday, 5 October 2007
continuation of 'no BF article'
The other time when i went for iFast! camp, there was a huge debate going on regarding dating during Ramadhan. So dating is not encourage in Ramadhan but isnt it haram all the while??? I had this debate with this lad and afterwards,a debrief session by this brother that some uztaz actually said dating is okay.. with boundaries.. since its the modern times, etc etc.. I find that ure compromising.. isnt it?? I was so shocked when said that! but tried to kept my cool. Then another brother said that if one follows the hadeeth strictly dating is haraam. As usual i dont have the courage to voice out that the Quran pointed this out since i cant remember the exact ayat. So yeah was surfing and found this:
Temptations Towards the Opposite Sex and Solutions
Dear Concerned,Assalamualaikum Due to dire necessity and over-emphasized importance of the following topic, a panel of ulema have dedicated a special program for our fellows examining this matter. They share the gist of their findings for everyone's benefit.[With respect to political correctness in gender, "girls" were mentioned due to the perspective of "boys," who participated in the program. It's understood that the reverse is true for girls also.]
Note: I am sharing something that has been shared with me, and i feel its worthy to be discussed, as the rate of premarital relations is on the rise even amongst muslims.
And trust me, as I am slowly posting this information by contemplating on it, it also helps me increase my TAQWA. May allah subh. help us follow the path that leads to Jannah... aameen..
"Analysis of Our Temptations Toward Girls and Its Solution"
1. PROBLEM/REALITY:- It's a natural tendency to be attracted; it's an undeniable fact- it's always bad, but specially in summer, it's worse- going back to homeland won't help because the same problem exists there too- the most difficult thing to control is "imagination"- exposing dress is a problem everywhere: billboards, ads etc.- peer pressure is tough to resist- married ones are also susceptible to fall short
- lower your gaze (every time, everywhere)
- always remember Allaah-
-consciously; remember death and the life after it
- busy yourself with good activities/learning
- increase Islamic knowledge, thereby have stronger conviction
- know the proper etiquettes and limits of communication with opposite gender
- know about this friend
-like enemy of yours: shaytaan you've gotta fight him till the last breath
- keep in mind that in order to find someone with piety/good character, you must be the same
- openly discuss with parents/trusted elders regarding these issues
- watch out for friends who are crossing the line (be bold and firm)
- avoid all songs/dramas/movies/novels that MAY provoke such feelings
- avoid TV totally if possible, otherwise watch together with good folks
- use the internet cautiously: block pop-ups, stay focused,place the computer where others can see
- perform the 5 daily prayers: on time, with full concentration
- perform extra fasting if needed
- don't put yourself in a test: simply avoid any testing of your character
- from the very first day, present yourself as a good Muslim
- sit in the first row; sit besides boys (if ure a boy)
- try hard to have a lab/study partner of the same gender
- have the contact info. of a boy in case you miss a class
- if missing notes, ask from boys; if not, ask directly from the instructor
-with educational interest, you may look at your teacher of opposite gender,but in case any other feelings arise, you must lower your gaze
- don't make a negative impression of Islam if you wear a cap, for God's sake,don't hang around with girls
- plan what kind of girl to marry (to have a fixed vision/concentration)
- engagement is NOT marriage, both parties are still strangers until actual marriage
- getting engaged earlier may help, but it may create even more problems,making it difficult for both parties to stay within the limit
- marry at the earliest possible age--whenever one is ready in all aspects- physical + mental + financial abilities are necessary in order to marry
- don't fantasize about love, think about RESPONSIBILITY as well
- if two spouses are in two different places, unite as soon as possible- don't let often-seen dramatic movies/stories blind you, life is real,so face it with courage, wisdom and conviction
- Last but not least, always ask Allaah to guide you to the right path!
Watch out for the Arrow!Sent by Abumubarak to ummah forum
The furtive glance is one of the poisoned arrows of Shaytan, on him be God's curse.
Whoever forsakes it for the fear of Allah, will receive from Him (Great and Gracious is He) a faith, the sweetness of which he will find within his heart. (al-Haakim.)
Therefore, a secret lustful look at a person of opposite gender has been compared by the Prophet (pbuh) to an arrow from Shaytan that:
1. poisons our hearts
2. ruins our intentions
3. gives rise to false hopes and desires
4. distorts our perception of 'reality'
5. deprives us from enjoying and concentrating in Prayers
6. gives rise to constant feeling of guilt and depression
7. sometimes leads to sleepless nights
8. renders our heart weak for continuous Shaytanic attacks
9. promotes hypocrisy
10. weakens our memory
11. eventually leads to Zina (adultery)
12. above all, diminishes our love for and fear of AllahAllah commands us:
"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their private parts; that will make for greater purity for them..." [24:30.]
In the verse following this one, Allah commands the believing women in the similar manner.
5 Secret Benefits Of Jihad Against Temptation
1. Perhaps the greatest secret reward of resisting the temptation is the increase in your Faith (Iman), the sweetness of which could only be sensed by you! This empowering force of renewed Iman will help you suppress the desires in unimaginable ways.
2. Right when you are urged, if you remember Allah’s mercy, commandments, and displeasure, He will make it easy for you to get out of the situation without regrets, stress, or pain. Allah reassures us: “And the one who fears Allah (has Taqwa), He will make a way out.” [65: 2.]
3. It will also have a remarkable impact on your character, since the heart is like a mirror and the base desires are like rust upon it. When the mirror is polished and cleansed of the rust, it reflects the realities as they actually are. Your family and friends will see the difference!
4. Frequent gazing at unlawful scenes of sexuality tire and wear down both the heart and the eyes. The heart becomes “bored” and depressed after a while. However, when your eyes are prevented from looking around, the heart finds relief from the arduous task of vainly desiring something it does not possess.
5. As the Prophet (pbuh) once said to his Companion:”By Allah! Whosoever gives up something for the sake of Allah, Allah will replace it with something better than it!" If you remain patient in this world, Allah will bless you with joys in ways you could never imagine!
18 Ways To Survive In Temptation Island !
Yes, it’s hard, especially when you’re constantly bombarded with obscene images: that hot, scantily clad guy or gal in the magazine luring you; or the persistent emphasis on sex in the movies (even Toy Story or Spider Man!); or the pervasive links to ****ography while you may simply be checking your e-mail.
How can you protect yourself from all of this?
1. Don't forget the power of Allah’s Remembrance (Dhikr)! It is the most powerful of all the defenses. Regular reading of prescribed Du'as will develop your Taqwa (consciousness) and keep you mindful of what thoughts you entertain.
2. Remember your Accountability to Allah. In Islam, you're fully accountable as soon as you understand and feel such temptations. Your eyes will testify about what you looked at on the Day of Judgment.
3. Always walk with your gaze lowered. But make sure not to bump into a hydro post! Lowering the gaze does not mean that you cannot have any “eye contact” as you walk or during a conversation. It means that you keep your eyes under control.
4. Take the Right Seat! In a public place (e.g. café), choose a seat that minimizes your view-
frame and avoid mixed-crowds. It is precisely about such comfortable gazing at the attractive features of the passers-by that the Prophet (pbuh) advised 'Ali ibn Abi Talib: "Ali, do not let a second look follow the first. The first look is allowed to you but not the second.''(Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi.)
5. Hangout with those known for noble character and modesty. When you are around good people, they can remind you to abstain from that which Allah dislikes. As the Prophet (pbuh) said, “A person is likely to follow the faith of his friends, so be careful about who you make your friend.”(Ahmad.)
6. Avoid friends that are into immoral movies, music, dirty jokes etc. Such activities are the tools of Shaytan that promote the idea of “love based on looks” or “love at first sight”.
Such friends would take you into an artificial world of fantasies and false hopes, away from reality, before it’s too late! Therefore, either you help your friends change through gentle advice, or abandon frequent contact with them.
As Allah warns us: "If anyone withdraws himself from Allah's remembrance, Most Gracious, We appoint for him an evil one to be his intimate companion." [43: 36.]
7. Avoid visiting malls and parks alone. Always try to go out with a family member or a good friend, whose company may help you avert your eyes from the objectionable billboards and inappropriately clothed people. In summer, step out only when you have to.
8. Surf or Watch TV when others are around. The temptation to sneak a look at dirty pictures is heightened when you're alone in your room watching TV or surfing the internet. Shaytan’s primary target is always a lonely person! Try to avoid late night TV and internet surfing.
9. Never have 'nothing to do'! Shaytan loves 'bored and idle' people. If you are feeling bored, do the dishes, or take out the garbage, or read some book. Allah says, "Do not throw yourself into destruction with your own hands." [2: 195.]
10. Volunteer for Islamic Organizations. Your Jihad against immorality in the society is one reason for you to join Muslim youth groups in your community. Your involvement with such activities, along with the love of helpful brothers or sisters struggling for a good cause, will keep your mind, energies, and thoughts focused away from the Haram.
11. Read, Read, and Read! Yes, read as many Islamic books and articles as possible. Reading keeps your mind and eyes busy! It keeps you motivated to live your Islam and strengthens your relationship with Allah.
12. Always remember that the beauty of this world is temporary and the life hereafter is everlasting.
13. Observe voluntary fast to strengthen your willpower and to cool your passions. The Prophet (pbuh) strongly recommended the youth to make it a habit.
14. If you are able and responsible then get married for the sake of Allah. It may be one of the most effective, yet challenging, defense mechanisms against such temptations.
15. For Brothers, remember your Mom and Sister. Disgusting right? Exactly! No sane person would look at his mom or sister the way many of us examine the girls on TV shows or stare at our Muslim sisters in social gatherings. This thought should sicken you enough to stop, Insha-Allah.
16.Remind yourself of the Death and Hereafter often. "Remember often the terminator (or destroyer) of all the pleasures [i.e. death]," the Prophet (pbuh) once reminded us. (at-Tirmidhi.)
17. Increase your Good Actions. Try following the advice of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): “Remain conscious of Allah and fear Him wherever you are. And follow a bad deed with a good deed which will wipe it out, and behave well towards people.” (at-Tirmidhi.)
18. Repent and Return to Allah. Allah is All-forgiving and loves those who return to Him, promising not to repeat their sins. “Ask forgiveness from your Lord, then turn towards Him in repentance; He will loosen the sky over you in abundance, and He will add strength unto your strength.” [11: 52].
Your brother in islam,
Omair Shafiuddin Ahmed.
This world is a difficult journeyAn obstacle to overcome,Especially in the place we live in,Not everyday is bright and fun.The righteous salaf were as fearful of their good deeds being squandered, or not being accepted, as the present generation is certain that their neglect would be forgiven. [Hasan Al-Basri]
Friday, 10 August 2007
MasyaAllah!! Time flies sooo fast and i finally i belong to a SCHOOL!! Haha.. Indeed a second lost is a second lost forever.. Unless we fully utilise those seconds..
"By time, Verily man is at a loss, except for those who believe and do good deeds, and enjoin one another to truth and enjoin one another to endurance" Al-Asr:1-3
Many things happened since the last time i blog.. I have gained lots of insights and perspectives on issues. Alhamdulillah, i feel that im a richer person. Not in terms of $money$ but in terms of experiance. I shall not recount one by one what happend since 14th of July.. There's too many things but InsyaAllah, I will share my thoughts regarding the issues that i have encountered. (and this 'content' of thoughts will serve me as reminder to blog about those things i will mention below)
Saturday, 14 July 2007
food 2 good

Friday, 13 July 2007
Play about Gay

In the Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
Alhamdullilah!! No naked Guys!!
That's all I can say when the play was on-going and when it finished. I mean thats last thing i wanna see in a play are gays frolicking- naked. All in all, there wasnt much obscenities- albeit the use of the F-word. Actually, when i wanted to watch this play naked guys didnt come to my mind, i thought it would be the matured content of this play that made them received the R18 from the censors. Until my future roomie asked me whether it received the R18 rating because of naked guys i was like God, protect my sight.
Anyways lets talk about the play, Happy Endings:Asian Boys Vol 3 written by Alfian Sa'at. Its an adaptation from a novel about gays by Johann S Lee. The play begins in 1992 when a young man wanted to make a novel about a gay friend. His protagonist, Chris Hann (the character from the novel) a a senior in RJC fell in love with the new guy, Ken Wijaya. At the same time, he was with a girl. So i think he's in this confused phase where he's not sure who he really loved.
The direction of the play was really good, during this first part of the play, i really liked the idea of the young man both acting out as the writer and the character in his book. This is kinda confusing at first but it turned out really well.
So back to the play: Somehow, Ken the new guy had to fly back to his home country, Indonesia. He was already engaged to a girl back home. Chriss' heart was broken. But Chriss managed to mend his broken heart by having a relationship with his officer, Samuel in the Army. When his officer died due to AIDS (the reason was very different- he died due to blood contaminated with HIV) Chriss gave up all hope and left the country.
The summary above doesnt do justice to the play but, im bad at summarizing. Anyhow, what I learnt from the first part of the play was that altho they're gays they have the same aspirations like normal people- and i think that's what Alfian Saat wants to potray. They want children etc etc, basically they want their right to live.
The second part of the play was set during present times. Sylvia, Chriss' exgirlfriend becomes a gay right advocator (altho' she's very straight), and Ken, Chriss' exboyfriend became and exgay speaker who tries to persuade gays that they have the chance of being straight again. I like Sylvia's line when she said that Ken apparently got out of the closet but somehow went in again. (its a joke-really, and i laughed)
What's really interesting about this part of the play was how the past characters meet with the present character. REALLY INTERESTING. I dunno how to describe it to u. U gotta watch this.
I give the play 5 out of 5 stars. For the witty, smart, lines.
Anyhow, while i was watching the play, questions keep popping up in my head. HOw DO PEOPLE TURN GAY? how?
Somebody enlighten me please.
So anyways, i am not a homophobic. I also do not agree with the idea of homosexuality. But yeah this is something to ponder through.
Allah forbids homosexuality. And He knows BEST. It's up to us to think this through. I havent think through this very much but when i have. and i know the right thing to say than insyaAllah i'll post my thoughts. As for now, this is it.
Ya Allah forgive our sins. Ameen
Thursday, 12 July 2007
No Boyfriend? Read This.

Yesterday, a friend of mine asked me, "Don't you have a boyfriend?" My answer was direct, "I'm against dating." Yes I am. I am against having a boyfriend. Ha-ha strange isn't it? In the year 2007, a girl who grew up in cosmopolitan Singapore ,who goes to a secular government school saying that. And he asked again," So, how are you going to get married?" I stumbled at that question. I know the answer to that but somehow I couldn’t put it in proper words.
It all goes back a year or two ago when I was going through my self-conflict phase. I would cry my eyes out to think that I was such a loser, such an ugly girl who cannot afford to have a boyfriend. That I'm going to grow into an old spinster with twenty cats living with me. I mean the pressure of to have a relationship outside marriage was HUGE. Come on, 99% of my friend have/had boyfriends. While I have never been out on a date (this doesn’t count the dumb blind date that I had when I was in sec 1). The media, the friends, the teachers. Everyone was into dating. This dampens my self esteem. Yeah. It obvious. I thought to myself. It's how I look and my personality sux. Flat nose. Pimples. Fat. Bad hair. Lopsided face. I was finding fault in myself. And I wasn’t imagining. I've a few people coming up saying that I'm not pretty , that I look like a guy, that I need to go for an extreme makeover, , that my face is a challenge (what the heck?). They would make fun how my nose is. Flat with pimples that doesn’t seem to go away. So it really affected me. When I looked at the mirror, I said to myself," Amirah, YOU ARE THE EPITOME OF GROTESQUE" and then I cry and cry and cry. To makes matters worse, my friends burnt me song AT SEVENTEEN by Janis Ian on my 17th birthday. I know they don't mean any harm since they have probably never heard of that song. I guess that song should be banned for making girls feel bad about themselves. So the lyrics goes like this,
I learnt the truth at 17, That love was meant for beauty queens and high sch girls with clear skin smile married young and then retire ..
And those of us with ravage faces, lacking in the social graces, desperately remains at home. Imagine lovers on the phone ..
Yeah. So who wouldn’t feel depress after hearing that song. I am the girl described in the song. Except that I wont imagine lovers on the phone. Ha-ha. And every time, whenever I'm in the Self Pity mode I keep saying to myself that I'm such a loser. Now, in retrospect, I was being very silly. Why do I need to get attention from another human being? Why did I want to be in a situation that’s forbidden by Allah. Satan has clouded my mind definitely. Forbidden things is showed as sweet, saccharine and pleasurable.
So this self pity thing goes for quite a some time. Than it strikes me, if I want to be beautiful I have to start from within. And the person who loves me will love me because of who I am not because of what I am. So the detoxing of body, mind and soul began.
When my sister came to Singapore for a visit, she brought a CD by Sheikh Mokhtar Al-Maghroui, the Opposite Gender: How Close is too Close? And I listened to it. As said by the Prophet (s.a.w) ,
The look at the opposite gender is an arrow of the arrows of Iblees . Looking at a non-mahram is like being stricken by an arrow. And you bleed. (when that was said that I thought of the cupid). And whosoever refrains from that look Allah will put in his heart sweetness of Imaan . 1st look is for you, means that the inadvertent look, just happened look InsyaAllah, Allah out of his Rahmah for his Ummah will not held us accountable in the Day of Judgement. Allah does not want anything that benefits him. Anything that Allah commands and forbids are for our own good and there's a lot of examples to prove. (ya Allah, I need to work on this)
Quran-An Nur-24:30-31
"Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, Allâh is All-Aware of what they do.
And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent , and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islâm), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allâh to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful."
After much pondering and contemplation I was very grateful to Allah that he made me this way. My lack of beauty are indeed a blessing. I have been protected by Allah. Alhamdulillah! Then I think again, having a boyfriend is like is having a package with a string of sins. So a few days after listening to the CD, my sis and I had a discussion (while she was cooking dinner for us). She asked me what I think about boyfriends. She told me her point of view and I told her mine. I told her that having a boyfriend is like a package with a string of sins because in the first place non mahram are not suppose to be together. And of course what's the real reason to have a gf or bf? In most cases, having a gf/bf is to 'experiment' with one another. Even holding hands as seen in today's society as a mild gesture is certainly not permissible in Islam. Seriously. And that there is no grace from Allah in such relationships. And thru marriage only will Allah sends his blessings. With that we are not only protecting our hearts but also the hearts of brothers.
So yeah. When I'm mentally, emotionally and financially prepared than I will look for a husband(definitely not now). No boyfriends for me. If someone do get interested in me(I'm not sure that guys would be interested in me), then its time to be serious. Ask for my hand in marriage and we'll see how it goes.
This is NOT an attack to those in a relationship. You may disagree with me a whole lot. This is indeed a controversial subject. But this is my opinion and it did take me sometime to think this through. I'm no scholar to say such and such things but yeah, InsyaAllah. This is a definitely a reminder to myself that I have made a covenant to Allah. Just ponder and contemplate.
Ya Allah, please guide us all to the straight path. Ya Allah please forgive my sins and the sins or the brothers and sisters in Islam. Ya Allah, shield us from the major and minor sins. Ya Allah protect me from the evil whispers. Ya Allah, let my future husband be the one with Imaan and Taqwa. Ya Allah let my future husband love me be the one who loves me for who I am. Ya Allah let my husband be the one who can guide me to be a better Muslim. Ya Allah, please let my husband be the one who loves me because he loves You. For You ya Allah, You are my true Lover.
Ameen. Ya rabbal 'alamin. (Allahumasoli'alah Muhammad wa 'ala alihi Muhammad)<-- for more info
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Don't u think the above is true? There's no cure for AIDS.. Allah has given this sickness as a Sign. And sexually-adulterous people are the majority of sufferers..
Let's think. AIDS was not even heard of before the 1980s. It's a new sickness and its spreading fast like wildfire. Because u noe y? People have the so called Freedom of Sex. In the 60s the hippies' slogan was Made Love not War. 60s was the time when people have found their so called sexual freedom.
I'm not gonna rant so much of Aids victim in Africa. Yes, indeed its a very sad situation. But wat i'm gonna talk about r those who do such acts (as in intercourse). If u wanna fight AIDS, the solution is PURE AND SIMPLE. DONT HAVE CASUAL SEX. Period. That's it. Simple ain't it?
I hate it when the media keeps focusing on safe sex. There's no such thing as safe sex outside marriage. Wear protection! Blah blah blah. Use condoms! Blah Blah Blah. Like that thing is gonna help. I mean seriously.. Plus, (altho this is out topic) Are condoms biodegradable? I mean if its not, than isnt it a contributor to the earth in crisis?
Then there's the theory that a monkey was the one that causes AIDS. Yeah sure BLAME the Monkey. Blame all the other things in the world except ourselves.
Well. this post is kinda superficial but these r the thoughts that were inside my head and i need to get them out.
Ya Allah, please forgive our sins. Hinder us from zina and all the things that u have forbid us. Ameen
nb: for more info go here-->
Friday, 6 July 2007
From Baklava to BBC
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful,Most Gracious
I was at and I saw her name. I googled her name and within seconds hundreds of sites came up. WOW!! MasyaAllah! The sister that I met in Canada is actually well-known.
Flashback, It was a sleepy January morning and I was watching BBC .(yeah, Haahaa, BBC in the morning is really good 4 u and im not being sarcastic) News showed Canada apologises to to Maher Arar. My reaction was 'Ok, cool, news about Canada' And then, I saw this lady who looks VERY FAMILIAR. And I was like, "Eh?! Isn't that my sister's friend(as in my real sis)? Isn't she the one who taught us how to make BAKLAVA (u see tat wonderful pic up there? THAT'S BAKLAVA. YuMM. Baklava is a type of mediterranean /middle eastern dessert and there's lots of version of it. the one above is the tunisian version if im not wrong. I LOVE BAKLAVA!! Somebody please make me BAKLAVA!!)
The news went on and when Canada's PM Harper said sumthing like '..apologises... Maher and wife Monia' then I was like CONFIRM chop chop GUARENTEE, the lady there was the sister who taught us Baklava.
I got soooo excited!! ( 4 those who know me, u should know how i am when im excited heeehee)
I couldnt wait to tell my sis (ok to make things easier,lets call my real sister, Kakak). Kakak was still sleeping when i heard the news so i waited in excitement for her to wake up. (she was in Sg to visit us, to show us Haajar, my niece, to get PR for her husband and to buy a house here) After telling her wat i saw on tv she was SOO RELIEVED. U see, the news only mentioned Canada apologising to Bro Mahar and his family. Br Mahar was accused of being a terrorist and was deported to Syria by the USA. Altho' Canada apologises, USA didnt. So the news was all over, CNN,CNA, Straits Times, Berita Harian.However the spotlight wasa not so much on sis Monia but her husband.
Since i have no idea what's the story behind the apology,Kakak told our family wat happened.
Sister Monia and her family was on a holiday when her husband had to go back to Canada first to due to some errands. So when her husband reached New York for transit, the nice US Immigration people claimed that they received information from Canada that he was a suspected terrorist and has to be deported to his home country. U see, Bro Mahar is a Canadian Citizen so by right he's suppose to be sent back to Canada. Instead, he was deported to Syria,his birth country.
When Sister Monia realised her husband didnt reach home in Canada, something was dead wrong. meanwhile, her husband was in Syria being tortured. Sister Monia went all the way for her husband. Seeking for justice and trying to get her husband back to canada .
In the end,after more then a year of not seeing his family, Br Mahar got back to Canada and all he wanted ever more was to clear his name.
Finally Alhamdulilah, he cleared his name and was compensated by the canadian gov in monetary value. Altho' he got wat he wanted, the traumatic experiance still haunts him. He was, among many innocent brothers, a victim of 'guilty by association'
So today, when i googled Sister Monia's name, I'm happy to see lots of websites praising on her courage and tenacity to seek for justice. Im so proud of her, i dont think i would have gathered as much courage as her. To add on, she got herself involved in politics by joining National Democratic Party. Littel did i know that when she taught how to make Baklava, this admirable sister is a phD holder in Financial Economics. WOW! MasyaAllah! A DOCTOR taught us how to make baklava.. isnt that sweet? While making Baklava i played with her two adorable children. Her daughter then 8 was telling me about the education system in canada (isnt tat cute?!) while her brother then 3 was running away whenver i wanted to take a picture of his handsome face.haha..
It was really nice getting to know Sister Monia and her kids. And i feel tat it's kinda cool to have some1 bringing positive news on tv and the internet.
May Allah make it easy for them and for us. May Allah grant us courage and wisdom. Ameen
go to these links for more.
The Hijaab
They say, "Oh, poor girl, you're so beautiful you know
It's a shame that you cover up your beauty so."
She just smiles and graciously responds reassuringly,
"This beauty that I have is just one simple part of me.
This body that I have, no stranger has the right to see.
These long clothes, this shawl I wear, ensure my modesty.
Faith is more essential than fashion, wouldn't you agree?" This hijab,
This mark of piety,
Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to protect her dignity.
So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.
They tell her, "Girl, don't you know this is the West and you are free?
You don't need to be oppressed, ashamed of your femininity."
She just shakes her head and she speaks so assuredly,
"See the bill-boards and the magazines that line the check-out isles,
with their phony painted faces and their air-brushed smiles?
Well their sheer clothes and low cut gowns they are really not for me.
You call it freedom, I call it anarchy."
This hijab,
This mark of piety,
Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to preserve her dignity.
So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.
Lift the veil from your heart and see the heart of purity.
Video by KSTCZY
Of Ghosts, Ghouls and the Thursday Night Myth

Thursday, 5 July 2007
I'm not gonna talk about the sinetron. Never watched it. Maybe it's good I dunno coz I dun understand Indonesian language ( my paternal grandad's from Java. Talk about knowing your roots. haha). But what im gonna discuss is sumthing close to my heart. Something that happened to me becoz I wasn’t being sincere. Btw, fyi ikhlas is sincerity (or is it keikhlasan that means sincerity? NVM)
These are my A Level Grades (im showing u this so it’s something that you guys should ponder on and not to repeat the same mistakes I did)
They're very average..But Alhamdulillah, Allah has made it a lesson for me. Thank You Allah for showing me the light on things.
So here goes
History B
Economics B
Malay D
It was below my aim. I aimed for a BBC, C for econs. And during my study period I suddenly aimed for TRIPLE As (fat hope) Should have aimed higher, earlier.
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Malay Weddings and Their Loud Music

Besides celebrating to a new life for married couples , a wedding is also a focal point where long distance relatives and long lost friends meet after a looooong time. Hence the need to make conversations, to ask about each other's life while eating Briyani Dam with Rendang and Ayam Masak Merah. A wedding is a family oriented event where there are children and babies and grannies and etc etc.
So I really don't understand WHY ON EARTH THEY PLAY LOUD MUSIC GOOD ENOUGH TO BURST YOUR EARDRUMS. I am like soo annoyed by the fact that MOST Malay weddings play music in FULL BLAST with KARAOKE singers that could not read a note. Yeah, its a celebratory thing but do you have to go to such extent?
I mean, I wanna have a chat with my friend whom I have not met for a long time. I literally had to shout to her when she's just next to me. COME ON!! This is a WEDDING!! Not a ROCK GIG!!
I don't oppose that music is being played just as long as its subtle and it doesn’t affect my conversations . Plus, aren't they afraid that due to the sensitivity of their eardrums, babies and children are at a greater risk. Considerate-NOT.
Plus the type of music being played is like totally unIslamic. There's no Islamic adab present. Free mixing, dangdut music which suggests love and relationship outside marriage. (my definition of dangdut music is like the lyrics of trashy hip hop with the beats of techno- no offense to those who like dangdut or hip hop or techno)
To add on, there was a wedding near my house, I didn’t see the wedding but I can hear the music. It's so loud that I can hear it from my 4th floor apartment. What's more, MUSIC WAS STILL BEING PLAYED DURING MAGHRIB. MAGHRIB. Do I need to repeat the word again? M.A.G.H.R.I.B. MAGHRIB..
Its not the ADHZAN that I heard but UNISLAMIC MUSIC from a Muslim wedding (I knew it’s a Muslim wedding since the general population who's Muslim here are Malays. And they're playing Malay music. But then again Malay doesn’t equate a person in being Muslim but whatever it is those people were not being considerate) . Need I say more? (well I hope I'm wrong about them being Muslim bcuz they are really not showing good examples)
This is a really an inconsiderate act. Let us ponder upon it and see how culture has become more important than Islam.
I'm sorry if I have offended any parties, watever that's good comes from Allah and the rest are from my own human error.
O Allah, Please forgive me and my fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. O Allah please keep us under your guidance and light. Ameen.
Do leave ur comments. I know I am never perfect but why don't we remind each other.:)
Note: for you who haven't seen ummahfilms do go to their blog. They're really good.
Here's a taste of CULTURE VS ISLAM.
The Title

I heard this audio from the CD my sister bought titled,
So Yeah. I really like the analogy. I makes me ponder and I hope it makes you ponder too.
O Allah make us see the truth in things, make our view through a crystal clear glass instead a rose tinted one which has been painted by shaytan. O Allah please guide us all. Ameen.
Note: I would absolutely love to upload the audio here so you people can benefit from it. But I'm not sure about copyright issues. So if you wanna here it, please contact me.
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
VisiGeerent (just a misspelled VICEGERENT)

When I turned 18 last year, I was thinking what is the purpose of life. I mean u live and then u die. That's kinda boring rite? I knew that as Muslims we believe that there is life after death I did and still do believe that. But somehow there was a void in my heart. My mind wasn’t thinking straight.
Alhamdulillah I've found my answer. I found it in the Qur'an. Alhamdulillah Allah has guided me. I wasn’t being a good Muslim (shall not mention the things I did) and I still have lots to improve. I mean lots. Ya Allah please guide us all. Ameen.
So I've come across the word Khalifah a couple of times but I didn’t know what it actually meant. I read in several texts saying that we are Allah's Khalifah. I only knew Khalifah in the way its used for Khalifah Abu Bakr (r.a)Khalifah Omar(r.a) Khalifah Uthman (r.a) and Khalifah 'Ali (r.a). To make matters worse , the English translation of Khalifah is VICEGERENT. I mean how often do u use VICEGERENT in your sentence?
vice·ge·rent /vaɪsˈdʒɪərənt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[vahys-jeer-uhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
an officer appointed as deputy by and to a sovereign or supreme chief.
a deputy in general.
in simple terms for my simple mind, we are Allah's steward/ and we are to serve Allah in whatever we do. Tho' I believe that there's a deeper meaning to that. Ya Allah, please enlighten me.
So Alhamdulillah, somehow I got my answers (cant remember how I did) and these answers were solidified by the camp that I went to last June organised by FMSA. (got to know about the camp through my sis and I didn’t regret one tiny bit for coming. The camp was SOOO GOOD MasyaAllah). Anyways, being Allah's Khalifah would mean to do good to oneself, to do good to others and among other things to preserve what Allah has provided for us. This is one heck of a responsibility (which we gladly volunteered when we were just souls) but the reward promised by Allah is PRICELESS, so priceless you can't find them in this life.
Yeah. I guess that's it for this time around. 4give me if I hurt your feelings in my post. Do remind me if I make mistakes. And May ALLAH GUIDE US ALL. AMEEN.
d 1st Entry
Alhamdulilah! Finaly I'm starting my own blog. After many failed attempts. So this first entry is gonna be sweet and simple. To tell u the truth, I hate blogging! Be it reading them or doing them.. But at times i feel like i need to put my thoughts across. So yeah. Here it is. MY OWN BLOG. InsyaAllah, May watever i write makes sense. And InsyaAllah May this thingy continue.