The other time when i went for iFast! camp, there was a huge debate going on regarding dating during Ramadhan. So dating is not encourage in Ramadhan but isnt it haram all the while??? I had this debate with this lad and afterwards,a debrief session by this brother that some uztaz actually said dating is okay.. with boundaries.. since its the modern times, etc etc.. I find that ure compromising.. isnt it?? I was so shocked when said that! but tried to kept my cool. Then another brother said that if one follows the hadeeth strictly dating is haraam. As usual i dont have the courage to voice out that the Quran pointed this out since i cant remember the exact ayat. So yeah was surfing and found this:
Temptations Towards the Opposite Sex and Solutions
Dear Concerned,Assalamualaikum Due to dire necessity and over-emphasized importance of the following topic, a panel of ulema have dedicated a special program for our fellows examining this matter. They share the gist of their findings for everyone's benefit.[With respect to political correctness in gender, "girls" were mentioned due to the perspective of "boys," who participated in the program. It's understood that the reverse is true for girls also.]
Note: I am sharing something that has been shared with me, and i feel its worthy to be discussed, as the rate of premarital relations is on the rise even amongst muslims.
And trust me, as I am slowly posting this information by contemplating on it, it also helps me increase my TAQWA. May allah subh. help us follow the path that leads to Jannah... aameen..
"Analysis of Our Temptations Toward Girls and Its Solution"
1. PROBLEM/REALITY:- It's a natural tendency to be attracted; it's an undeniable fact- it's always bad, but specially in summer, it's worse- going back to homeland won't help because the same problem exists there too- the most difficult thing to control is "imagination"- exposing dress is a problem everywhere: billboards, ads etc.- peer pressure is tough to resist- married ones are also susceptible to fall short
- lower your gaze (every time, everywhere)
- always remember Allaah-
-consciously; remember death and the life after it
- busy yourself with good activities/learning
- increase Islamic knowledge, thereby have stronger conviction
- know the proper etiquettes and limits of communication with opposite gender
- know about this friend
-like enemy of yours: shaytaan you've gotta fight him till the last breath
- keep in mind that in order to find someone with piety/good character, you must be the same
- openly discuss with parents/trusted elders regarding these issues
- watch out for friends who are crossing the line (be bold and firm)
- avoid all songs/dramas/movies/novels that MAY provoke such feelings
- avoid TV totally if possible, otherwise watch together with good folks
- use the internet cautiously: block pop-ups, stay focused,place the computer where others can see
- perform the 5 daily prayers: on time, with full concentration
- perform extra fasting if needed
- don't put yourself in a test: simply avoid any testing of your character
- from the very first day, present yourself as a good Muslim
- sit in the first row; sit besides boys (if ure a boy)
- try hard to have a lab/study partner of the same gender
- have the contact info. of a boy in case you miss a class
- if missing notes, ask from boys; if not, ask directly from the instructor
-with educational interest, you may look at your teacher of opposite gender,but in case any other feelings arise, you must lower your gaze
- don't make a negative impression of Islam if you wear a cap, for God's sake,don't hang around with girls
- plan what kind of girl to marry (to have a fixed vision/concentration)
- engagement is NOT marriage, both parties are still strangers until actual marriage
- getting engaged earlier may help, but it may create even more problems,making it difficult for both parties to stay within the limit
- marry at the earliest possible age--whenever one is ready in all aspects- physical + mental + financial abilities are necessary in order to marry
- don't fantasize about love, think about RESPONSIBILITY as well
- if two spouses are in two different places, unite as soon as possible- don't let often-seen dramatic movies/stories blind you, life is real,so face it with courage, wisdom and conviction
- Last but not least, always ask Allaah to guide you to the right path!
Watch out for the Arrow!Sent by Abumubarak to ummah forum
The furtive glance is one of the poisoned arrows of Shaytan, on him be God's curse.
Whoever forsakes it for the fear of Allah, will receive from Him (Great and Gracious is He) a faith, the sweetness of which he will find within his heart. (al-Haakim.)
Therefore, a secret lustful look at a person of opposite gender has been compared by the Prophet (pbuh) to an arrow from Shaytan that:
1. poisons our hearts
2. ruins our intentions
3. gives rise to false hopes and desires
4. distorts our perception of 'reality'
5. deprives us from enjoying and concentrating in Prayers
6. gives rise to constant feeling of guilt and depression
7. sometimes leads to sleepless nights
8. renders our heart weak for continuous Shaytanic attacks
9. promotes hypocrisy
10. weakens our memory
11. eventually leads to Zina (adultery)
12. above all, diminishes our love for and fear of AllahAllah commands us:
"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their private parts; that will make for greater purity for them..." [24:30.]
In the verse following this one, Allah commands the believing women in the similar manner.
5 Secret Benefits Of Jihad Against Temptation
1. Perhaps the greatest secret reward of resisting the temptation is the increase in your Faith (Iman), the sweetness of which could only be sensed by you! This empowering force of renewed Iman will help you suppress the desires in unimaginable ways.
2. Right when you are urged, if you remember Allah’s mercy, commandments, and displeasure, He will make it easy for you to get out of the situation without regrets, stress, or pain. Allah reassures us: “And the one who fears Allah (has Taqwa), He will make a way out.” [65: 2.]
3. It will also have a remarkable impact on your character, since the heart is like a mirror and the base desires are like rust upon it. When the mirror is polished and cleansed of the rust, it reflects the realities as they actually are. Your family and friends will see the difference!
4. Frequent gazing at unlawful scenes of sexuality tire and wear down both the heart and the eyes. The heart becomes “bored” and depressed after a while. However, when your eyes are prevented from looking around, the heart finds relief from the arduous task of vainly desiring something it does not possess.
5. As the Prophet (pbuh) once said to his Companion:”By Allah! Whosoever gives up something for the sake of Allah, Allah will replace it with something better than it!" If you remain patient in this world, Allah will bless you with joys in ways you could never imagine!
18 Ways To Survive In Temptation Island !
Yes, it’s hard, especially when you’re constantly bombarded with obscene images: that hot, scantily clad guy or gal in the magazine luring you; or the persistent emphasis on sex in the movies (even Toy Story or Spider Man!); or the pervasive links to ****ography while you may simply be checking your e-mail.
How can you protect yourself from all of this?
1. Don't forget the power of Allah’s Remembrance (Dhikr)! It is the most powerful of all the defenses. Regular reading of prescribed Du'as will develop your Taqwa (consciousness) and keep you mindful of what thoughts you entertain.
2. Remember your Accountability to Allah. In Islam, you're fully accountable as soon as you understand and feel such temptations. Your eyes will testify about what you looked at on the Day of Judgment.
3. Always walk with your gaze lowered. But make sure not to bump into a hydro post! Lowering the gaze does not mean that you cannot have any “eye contact” as you walk or during a conversation. It means that you keep your eyes under control.
4. Take the Right Seat! In a public place (e.g. café), choose a seat that minimizes your view-
frame and avoid mixed-crowds. It is precisely about such comfortable gazing at the attractive features of the passers-by that the Prophet (pbuh) advised 'Ali ibn Abi Talib: "Ali, do not let a second look follow the first. The first look is allowed to you but not the second.''(Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmidhi.)
5. Hangout with those known for noble character and modesty. When you are around good people, they can remind you to abstain from that which Allah dislikes. As the Prophet (pbuh) said, “A person is likely to follow the faith of his friends, so be careful about who you make your friend.”(Ahmad.)
6. Avoid friends that are into immoral movies, music, dirty jokes etc. Such activities are the tools of Shaytan that promote the idea of “love based on looks” or “love at first sight”.
Such friends would take you into an artificial world of fantasies and false hopes, away from reality, before it’s too late! Therefore, either you help your friends change through gentle advice, or abandon frequent contact with them.
As Allah warns us: "If anyone withdraws himself from Allah's remembrance, Most Gracious, We appoint for him an evil one to be his intimate companion." [43: 36.]
7. Avoid visiting malls and parks alone. Always try to go out with a family member or a good friend, whose company may help you avert your eyes from the objectionable billboards and inappropriately clothed people. In summer, step out only when you have to.
8. Surf or Watch TV when others are around. The temptation to sneak a look at dirty pictures is heightened when you're alone in your room watching TV or surfing the internet. Shaytan’s primary target is always a lonely person! Try to avoid late night TV and internet surfing.
9. Never have 'nothing to do'! Shaytan loves 'bored and idle' people. If you are feeling bored, do the dishes, or take out the garbage, or read some book. Allah says, "Do not throw yourself into destruction with your own hands." [2: 195.]
10. Volunteer for Islamic Organizations. Your Jihad against immorality in the society is one reason for you to join Muslim youth groups in your community. Your involvement with such activities, along with the love of helpful brothers or sisters struggling for a good cause, will keep your mind, energies, and thoughts focused away from the Haram.
11. Read, Read, and Read! Yes, read as many Islamic books and articles as possible. Reading keeps your mind and eyes busy! It keeps you motivated to live your Islam and strengthens your relationship with Allah.
12. Always remember that the beauty of this world is temporary and the life hereafter is everlasting.
13. Observe voluntary fast to strengthen your willpower and to cool your passions. The Prophet (pbuh) strongly recommended the youth to make it a habit.
14. If you are able and responsible then get married for the sake of Allah. It may be one of the most effective, yet challenging, defense mechanisms against such temptations.
15. For Brothers, remember your Mom and Sister. Disgusting right? Exactly! No sane person would look at his mom or sister the way many of us examine the girls on TV shows or stare at our Muslim sisters in social gatherings. This thought should sicken you enough to stop, Insha-Allah.
16.Remind yourself of the Death and Hereafter often. "Remember often the terminator (or destroyer) of all the pleasures [i.e. death]," the Prophet (pbuh) once reminded us. (at-Tirmidhi.)
17. Increase your Good Actions. Try following the advice of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): “Remain conscious of Allah and fear Him wherever you are. And follow a bad deed with a good deed which will wipe it out, and behave well towards people.” (at-Tirmidhi.)
18. Repent and Return to Allah. Allah is All-forgiving and loves those who return to Him, promising not to repeat their sins. “Ask forgiveness from your Lord, then turn towards Him in repentance; He will loosen the sky over you in abundance, and He will add strength unto your strength.” [11: 52].
Your brother in islam,
Omair Shafiuddin Ahmed.
This world is a difficult journeyAn obstacle to overcome,Especially in the place we live in,Not everyday is bright and fun.The righteous salaf were as fearful of their good deeds being squandered, or not being accepted, as the present generation is certain that their neglect would be forgiven. [Hasan Al-Basri]
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i agree with most of the points u placed here.
however, Islam is a progressive religion and changed with time(in the case of fatwas);although i agree that the principles of Islam must never be compromised.
i must relate to u this,
"O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you" An-Nisa 4:1
In this ayah,Islam teaches ummah that Allah S.W.T created men and women, in order for them to understand each other and form relationships,be it friendships or thru matrimony.
I totally disagree with point 2.2.
its biased and short-sighted,unrealistic in today's context,that demands interaction between men and women.The important thing is,how we behave and act when around them. Islam is not a religion of sanction.
Again, I question your hardline perspective about dating.Is it influenced by the unbecoming behaviours of the environement surrounding u? I felt that ur point of view,to a certain extent, is affected with the general environment that is occuring within your community;'moderate' Malay muslim community. To be in perspective, we must be objective, and not let emotions control our minds.
I understand that Islam emphasized segregation based on 'marham', i fully agree on this. However, to the extent of not able to get to know the person, whom we are marrying or forming relationships with, is implausible in today's context, where women and men are becoming professional 'actors' and 'actresses'.
Dating is not all about the mushy stuff that indeed Islam forbids.
" You commit no sin by announcing your engagement to the women, or keeping it secret. GOD knows that you will think about them. Do not meet them secretly, unless you have something righteous to discuss. Do not consummate the marriage until their interim is fulfilled. You should know that GOD knows your innermost thoughts, and observe Him. You should know that GOD is Forgiver, Clement." Al-Baqarah 2:235
don't be steadfast in judging.
at the end of the day, its how we,as in as individuals, protect ourselves through constant muhassabah and doa that Allah S.W.T strengthen our Iman and Taqwa.May Allah Ar Rahman have mercy on us in Yawn Ul Qiyamah.
Insya Allah.
Wallahu'allam bissawaab
Jazakallahu Khayran.
Grain of sand in the Sahara.
Thank u for ur comments. I will leave my proper reply as soon as possible. InsyaAllah.
(bogged down with loads of essays..)
ill look forward to it.
Grain of Sand in The Sahara
the liberal in me says that it really doesnt matter much, coz He noes whats the niat ebbing in our heads.
so long as our conscience is clear, i guess, dating its alrite?
juz my humble tots.
btw, i added u in my blog.
and thanks again for recommending me tt outlandish song. :)
Assalamu’alaikum Wr Br.
Sorry bro/sis for this uber late post. I was waiting for my exams to be over before replying this.
Firstly let us start with definitions ,
According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English:
Dating: (in the context of our discussion means) an occasion when you arrange to meet someone that you like in a romantic way.
Girlfriend/ Boyfriend: a woman/man who you are having a romantic relationship with
Waalhu’alam about what the person did during their so called ‘dates’. I have no right to say what is in their hearts. Im writing in a general approach and I seek forgiveness from Allah and from whomever reading this post in case ive offended them in any manner.
I definitely agree with you that at this day and age, interaction with the opposite sex has become inevitable. It’ll be hypocritical for me to say that I do not have any guy friends. Interactions with them however are limited to work and school.
Before I proceed further, can u show me the fatwa which says that dating is ok.
The ayah that u showed as evidence to support ur point ,
"O mankind! reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, His mate, and from them twain scattered (like seeds) countless men and women;- reverence Allah, through whom ye demand your mutual (rights), and (reverence) the wombs (That bore you): for Allah ever watches over you" An-Nisa 4:1
In this ayah,Islam teaches ummah that Allah S.W.T created men and women, in order for them to understand each other and form relationships,be it friendships or thru matrimony.
Yes, friendship to understand each other, and how do u suppose we understand each other? Do you mean thru dating? As I pointed out in the definition above, dating is between TWO people (usually of the opposite gender in a romantic way)
The Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him said:
“No man sits alone with a (nonmahram) woman, but the shaytaan is the third among them”
Al-Tirmidhi, 1171
Going on dates are small steps to a greater problem.
Allah has commanded that we do not come near to great sins/illegal sex in surah Al-An’am:151
“Say (O Muhammad [saw]): Come I will recite what your lord has prohibited you from; join not anything in the worship in with Him;be good and dutiful to your parents;kill not your children because of poverty—We provide sustenance for you and for them; come not near Al-Fawahish (great sins, illegal sexual intercourse) whether committed openly or secretly; and kill not anyone whom Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause. This He has commanded you that you may understand.”
By dating one is coming near to al-fawahish, wallahu’alam.
Let’s imagine a scenario of a hormonal teenager. TOO much tv that reveals dating as the in thing. So what do they see on tv about dating? Let’s see, a typical one would be movie (darkness), meal, maybe a walk by the beach? Just the two of them, will they still remember Allah. Has Taqwa been instilled in them? Wallahualam. I cannot judge. But these small steps leads to holding hands.. (oh no this is touching another gender.. is it haram?). After holding hands, where will this lead? A peck on the cheek? Wallahualam. Next date then. And you may never noe what happens next. Trouble soon lurks around the corner with pre marital sex, teenage pregnancy, more babies being born without a bin and a binte. Parents try to cover up by making their teenage children marry early which often leads to divorce. And guess what.. it all begins with a simple date. I’m sure this DOES NOT apply to everyone. But that’s the general pattern.
This may seem shallow for me to generalize that all dates go this way but im just saying what ive seen and the general patterns of it. (maybe I shud do a thorough research about this; sociology of love. ). Im focusing on hormonal teenager as u have seen in this post, the brother who said that dating is okay is saying it to a group of teenagers. During Ramadhan.
But are teenagers, matured enough to confirm their life partners? Most of the people I noe would not want to commit with their current flame for their lifetime. It’s just for enjoyment. ENJOYMENT.
I noe I cannot judge a couple saying that they’ve done such and such things. Astaghfirullah. Only Allah noes what’s in their heart and mind. I have no right to judge. But by allowing a prohibited doing in the first place, wouldn’t it cause more trouble. Isn’t prevention better than cure?
I read point 2.2 and I have to agree with you. I have to remind you that I didn’t write 90% of this post. But point 2.2 is a bit too harsh.
Then again it depends on how you define dating. Ive said my definition earlier on. So yeah. As for purple hustle’s comment regarding clear conscience. How do you define clear conscience? Wouldnt it go against Allah swt and the Prohet’s command?
In the context of marriage, bro/sis, I found this in one site;
The choice of a partner should be the one with the most "taqwa" (piety). The prophet recommended the suitors see each other before going through with marriage. It is unreasonable for two people to be thrown together and be expected to relate and be intimate when they know nothing of each other. The couple are permitted to look at each other with a critical eye and not a lustful one. This ruling does not contradict the ayah which says that believing men and women should lower their gaze.
- The couple, however are not permitted to be alone in a closed room or go out together alone. As the hadith says "when a man and a woman are together alone, there is a third presence i.e. shaitan.
- There is no concept of courtship in Islam as it is practised in the west. There is no dating or living in defacto relationship or trying each other out before they commit to each other seriously. There is to be no physical relationship what so ever before marriage. The romantic notions that young people often have, have proven in most cases to be unrealistic and harmful to those involved. We only have to look at the alarming divorce rate in the west to understand this point. e.g. the couple know each other for years, are intimate, live together and so on yet somehow this does not guarantee the success of the future marriage. Romance and love simply do not equal a everlasting bond between two people.
Fact: Romance and love die out very quickly when we have to deal in the real world. The unrealistic expectations that young people have is what often contributes to the failure of their relationship.
- The west make fun of the Islamic way of marriage in particular arranged marriage, yet the irony is that statistically arranged marriages prove to be more successful and lasting than romantic types of courtship.
This is because people are blinded by the physical attraction and thus do not choose the compatible partner.
Love blinds people to potential problems in the relationship. There is an Arabic saying: which says "the mirror of love is blind, it makes zucchini into okra". Arranged marriages on the other hand, are based not on physical attraction or romantic notions but rather on critical evaluation of the compatibility of the couple.
This is why they often prove successful.
Consent of parties.
So Waalahualam. Allah knows best. I would like to apologize if I have offended any party. This is my understanding of dating. Tho’ im sure theres more to date then the mushy stuff (watever it may be)
May Allah gives us guidance. Ameen.
(btw these are blog posts so the likelihood of it being subjective is very high. Emotive words would be used. But I’ll try my best to be objective. (hopefully by being objective here, it’s like practicing for my essays and reports)
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahiwabarakatu.
Just to clear some matters. I am against dating per se. I have nothing against people who date. That's their choice. Plus the above comment is for bro/sis anonymous
Time and time again…
Your holistic concept of dating is flawed.
After discerning your counter views, I must say its emotional, lack objectivity.
It’s over shrouded with the generalizations, based on the massive misdemeanors rampant in your community.
Firstly the whole scenario of ‘this leads to another leads to another, to the extent of birth of an illegitimate baby’, lacked focus. It’s a fear from you, rather than a concern. The ‘general patterns’ are merely personal judgments. Even so, they (the people you mentioned committing such acts,may lack guidance, from parents or religion itself, if we look at it in the light of 'husnu zun'.)
Secondly, your concept of dating is too narrow, that it is an act committed merely between two non-mahram meeting exclusively, engaging in ‘romantic’ behaviour, as mentioned in your weak definition of dating by some dictionary.
I suggest that you reconfigure your concept of 'dating'. I believe ‘dating’ is permissible in the presence of a chaperone, a friend or so. The partner is ought to do so. Meeting place:make it public to avoid slander, Naudzubilah. The best, why not make it in a mosque or at one's own home at the presence of one’s own parents. Topic of discussion would be focused in understanding each other, and
Maybe if you are the kind of person who doesn’t wish to know your partner and just jump into a marriage, by all means, discuss about your marriage preparations, thereafter leave.
How is that haram?
It’s still dating, fundamentally.
In the name of God Most Compassionate Most Merciful:
"You commit no sin by announcing your engagement to the women, or keeping it secret. Allah S.W.T knows that you will think about them. Do not meet them secretly, unless you have something righteous to discuss. Do not consummate the marriage until their interim is fulfilled. You should know that Allah knows your innermost thoughts, and observe Him. You should know that Allah is Forgiver, Clement." Qur'an 2:235
I have posted this Quranic verse earlier, it might have missed your jaundiced eyes.
I don’t have to show you any fatwas.
Why do I need a fatwa when these beautiful God’s Words dictate it all.
That the brand of ‘dating’ mentioned above, is in line with it.
There is no dispute in the hadith by Tirmidhi you supplied, but do consider this.
Sayidina Umar (RA) related that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "Not one of you should meet a woman alone unless she is accompanied by a relative (mahram)" (Bukhari/Muslim).
It speaks of the ‘dating’ I suggest earlier, that meeting a man/woman in the company of another person is permissible, contemporary yet Islamic ‘dating’.
Allah knows Best. In any case, I believe, to say that you, rejecting ‘dating’ totally, while being human, is denial. Would you reject the person invitation if he(the guy that your heart might have feelings for) ask you out for a decent lunch/dinner?
And please don't rattle about you not ever going to have feelings towards anybody.
As long as the chastity of the honourable lady is not violated, and the lady behaved according to the mannerism of an Islamic woman when meeting her partner of choice (not arranged), ‘dating’ I believe, in the spirit of taqwa and tawaddu’ is nothing wrong. Wallahualam.
Allah S.W.T is Most Knowledgeable. You are entitled to your opinions, and your strong headness against dating,though I always feel it lacks rational and emotional, certain things are not detestable, but certainly there are provisions that allow a certain act to happen. Islam is not a religion of constraints and restrictions, instead progressive,without compromising its purity.
Jazakallahu Khayran.
Barakallahu Fik.
Grain of Sand in the Sahara
thank you so much on ur perspective. Sorry i misunderstood you regarding the part where there shud be mahramn coz it was not clear on ur initial post (or it is I whose lack of knowledge has misunderstood it). Thanks for rectifying it.
Assalamualaikum :)
I liiiike reading this post and the comments that follows.
Hm.. allow me to put my own comment although this is pretty late hahaha but nevertheless just would like to share with your my point of view.
To anonymous:
Let take a general understanding of "dating" among young teenage Muslims. If your idea of dating is to have a third person present and to have that at the mosque or one's own home at the presence of one’s own parents, then... to the general young teenage Muslims, thats not dating. That is called... erm... I don't know?
Visiting a friends house maybe?
Or going to a mosque with a friend?
I heard the same idea from an Ustaz who was telling a group of teenage guys to "date" at a mosque or at the girls house when the girls parents are around.
Most of the guys went.. "er.. ustaz.. itu bukan dating tuu..."
Personally I am against this dating thing myself but however I fell into temptation and "dated" a friend of mine. We went out. Just the two of us. To catch a movie. To walk by Singapore river.
Then SNAP! What the hell am I doing! Soon enough she left me...
Well anyway I put that behind me and take it as a reminder that dating (aka going out just the two of us to catch a movie then walk by Singapore river) is not going to work!
From then on... if I really had to go out with a girl, I will ask her to bring her sister/brother. And tada!! It change the situation from this:
"Ooo its just the two of us ^_^ yay! Boleh jalan sama sama side by side!"
to this:
"Im enjoing my weekend with a group of friends! ^_^"
I mean... Im speaking from a typical malay muslim guy (I'm not a mat okay) who dropped out of his weekend madrasah Al-Irsyad at Primary 4 and goes to secular education from kindergarden till poly and now 16 weeks left in NS! And from Primary 4 till now, never had a formal class agama...
Anyway yah! Peace!!! :D
i stumbled upon this blog-article.
critiques and counter critiques.
quite interesting. i guess i'll just leave my thoughts and opinions as well.
Both 'anonymous' and sis Amirah did brought up a number of good points. personally, i would think that dating is not totally haram. as wat our anonymous bro/sis said dating in the company of another person is not haram.
but i guess wat sis Amirah is referring to is dating.. i mean.. just the male n the female party without the third person. there are a number of hadiths in support of this. just as the one pointed out by sis Amirah ,
“No man sits alone with a (nonmahram) woman, but the shaytaan is the third among them”
Al-Tirmidhi, 1171
and there are many other hadiths n ayahs from the qur'an which are in support of this stand. thus, in my point of view as a muslim, i would say that dating, without the third party, is itself unrighteous.
bro/sis 'anonymous' was saying that in today's context,
"to the extent of not able to get to know the person, whom we are marrying or forming relationships with, is implausible", "where women and men are becoming professional 'actors' and 'actresses'".
well, i must say that this may be true in our society espicially in Singapore or other more developed countries. however, let's look further. In Muslim countries(today's context), such as the Arab Saudi, dating (without the third party) is totally NOT encouraged. It is seen as being very disgraceful to either party's family if one is found to be dating. Most women in Muslim countries wear hijaabs/veils to cover themselves. In some cases, to the extent of covering every part of their body except their eyes.
So, how then do they get to know the other party?(Again, i'm referring to those in Muslim countries) there are proper channels people go thru. like bro/sis 'anonymous' suggested, dating in the presence of a third party. In some case, match-making marriages.(i wouldn't go into the match-making process)
then it wouldn't be called dating would it? where's the privacy if a third party is around?
well, i think at this point it's a matter of faith and knowledge of the hukum/syari'ah. i would say that dating in the presence of a third party is a more islamic defintion of dating. You'll get both the DunYa and Akhiroh. DunYa, you get to know the muslim guy/girl. Akhiroh, you obey the laws of qur'an and hadiths.
On the other hand, dating without the third party, you'll get your privacy, may or may not get the guy/girl, but at the same time, in violation of the hukums as stated in the qur'an and hadiths. my personal opinion, i guess marriages that result from 'today's' dating are 'less' barokah.
so again, i would say it's matter of faith. if a person wants to go against islamic syari'ah/hukum due to the constraints/restraints of today's context/society, by all means go ahead.
being a muslim, i would be in favour of upholding the syari'ah/hukum.
servant of God..
Alhamdulilah.. Thank you for ur comments:)
Alhamdulilah. thank u for ur comments.. watch this vid by Baba Ali of Ummah films
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